Meetings are a daily routine in every professional person’s life, no matter where you are located on the face of the earth. Most of the time spent per day are in meetings, which takes up more than 77% average of our daily time in a day. Technology has taken it to a next level by making it easier for us, not as it was before. Now, you are able to join in meetings from your home via your desktop, laptop or iPad, making it a modern meeting. Such meetings can be called on at any time at all, despite the place you’re in or even the day it might be.


Modern meetings do not sometimes yield effective results; participants are not engaged and are easily turned off and can’t be bothered to give their own say or opinions. After observing those advantages that are attached to modern meetings, we have some tips that will help make a successful modern meeting.

#1. Proper timing

Timing is a key element when it comes to meetings, you have to have a proper timing that fits most of the meeting participants, which includes the venue, time and date the meeting will be held. Plan your meetings during a time whereby everyone will be actively free to participate.

#2. Implement actions and do less talking

Talking a lot and doing nothing about it will get you nowhere. It’s high time you ditch talking most of the time during your meetings. Go in for actions, implement plans and carry them out effectively; doing what you say will get the result you are looking for. Disseminate information and follow up from previous meetings; receive updates on projects and assign duties with efficient information that should be carried out.

#3. Be focused and maintain eye contact

Having meetings over a video conference can lose the human touch you wish to establish. Nevertheless, that does not stop you from maintaining eye contact with them or being focused throughout the meeting. You can break the barriers and be able to establish connection and get their attention despite the barriers.

#4. Ensure everyone has a say

Your meeting should be well planned- participants have to be briefed about it before the set date; get the ones you’ll need and that can contribute towards making it a success. Everyone present should have a role to play and a contribution to make. No one should feel left out. Two heads are better than one.

#5. Aim for great results

The end result of your meetings should always be a successful aim. Planning a purposeful meeting should meet your expectations. Work through with the participant to arrive at the final destination. The attendees should be briefed on your agenda ahead of time so as to prepare them for the meeting.

Connecting with others and holding meetings has never been made easier. It is time efficient, less stressful, does not cause discomfort and participants can be reached at any time via their devices.