They say people are the most important asset you can have. You have decided to host a networking event and you want it to run smoothly, but all sorts of things can happen that can sabotage your event and put a dent on your Event Management Skills, and your pride .but as the forces would have it you have been lead to this great article and now you can put your mind at ease. Here are 15 tips on how you can plan your event with a little bit more confidence.


#1. Plan ahead and allow as much time as possible

This allows you to consider as much variables as possible, such as getting a caterer that can deliver on time, advertisement and also, seeking out the key people within your network that will boost the profile of your event, as these will tend to be really busy people, giving them as much time as possible will only increase the chances of success for your event.

#2. As the organizer, do not forget to promote yourself

Do not be so busy, organizing and introducing people to each other that you forget to network yourself! Get your plans out there and talk to the people that can take your event management venture or other plans to the next level.

#3. Decide how to structure your event

Is it going to be a sit-down event, or is it going to be a cocktail party with a lot of exchange of contact information and business cards or more of a speed networking setup. All of these can be effective but I would Imagine some may be better suited than others depending on the profession or trade or status of the people attending your event, for example, would they be mostly entry level job seekers with little work experience or management positions? which require a more nuanced approach or Is the purpose of the event to get people from different companies or departments to network?

#4. Book the right venue

Booking the right venue is important, as physical factors such as the size of the space, the lighting, and the location, matter greatly.  Click here for more assistance in picking a venue.

#5. Advertise

I guess this one is a no-brainer, people will have to know about your event to come, so you have to make sure you reach out to as many people as possible and aim to invite people who have the wow factor. It can be surprising how many high profile people will be willing to give a talk or otherwise show support for a local initiative.

#6. Have a talk before the event to set the mood

Having a great speaker speak on a theme at your event can definitely go a long way in getting your event going. The problem is, you do not want to have a speaker you haven’t heard before, so take the time to choose one wisely. The subject of a talk can also serve as an ice breaker for the audience to generally mix and mingle.

#7. Have snacks that are easy to eat and not too filling

The snacks available have to be appropriate for the type of event, a gala dinner followed by a mixer can have the chefs pulling out their best tricks, but for a mixer alone, something easy to eat, that will not make you feel like sitting down for the rest of the evening should be the way to go.

#8. Set the agenda

Make sure everyone has a copy of the program or understands what the program is by displaying it somewhere or writing it on a whiteboard. In any event it helps if people know how much time they have and consider the best way to use it while they are at your event.

#9. Facilitate

As host, facilitate the mingling and interaction between your guests, get an idea of what everyone is looking for so that you can introduce or make suggestions about who they might want to meet.

#10. Get feedback!