Planning on becoming an event manager?  Well it is not a bad idea, fortunes can be made in this industry because after all, people make money to spend it on something and that something is a lot of times an event of some sort. But do you have what it takes when it comes down to it? Find out how you measure up to the following quintessential character traits of a successful event manager.

#1. Driving Force

The number one quality to have as an event manager, is DRIVE. When you have been given an event to manage, create or bring to life, your passion about it will excite you and force you to achieve the goal set before you, despite the challenges you’ll encounter. Your passion should be constant and take your through every stage of the planning till you reach your destination. When there is no drive, you will start to doubt yourself, lose interest in what you’re doing, you will easily give up when the hard times come by.

 #2. Creativity/Resourcefulness

One of the toughest and probably most rewarding traits of an event manager, is the art of being able to provide the necessities for your events. No matter the shortcoming and lack of certain needs, a resourceful event manager can be able to go the extra mile and think outside the box to solve problems especially the unexpected ones that come up from nowhere.

#3. Flexibility

Circumstances and changes may arise when managing/planning an event, it could be a change in the venue or some errors that needs to be fixed, which might throw you off balance at first. How well are you prepared to face it? This is where being versatile comes in, you should be able to adjust with changes and deal with things that are not planned for. Some situations are inevitable, but if you are in a position whereby you have a backup plan and find yourself able to take your time and see to it that the problem is solved, then you are good to go.

#4. Communication

Event managers have to be effective communicators to be able to plan and design an event. Event managers are mangers and supervisors of people first and foremost and this underscores the need to have good communication skills. Firstly, they have to be great listeners. Secondly, an Event Manager should be able to speak precisely and clearly, and be fluent with your words to communicate instructions while minimizing the risk of being misunderstood. Last but not the least, be a good reader and writer, to enable you write down your contract, agenda and plans and understand other written documents you come across, in the course of planning an event.

#5. Organization

Planning an event is not an easy task, you are drawn between various plans, pushing back and forth consistently, and hence, you need to be organised. Be organised with your plans and agenda, and set everything in place so as not to lose track of your work.

These five characteristics are traits every event manager must have, that is if you want to stand out and be the best in what you do.