Wouldn’t it be great to hand pick your clients, all fresh, healthy, and exactly just the one you want them to be?

Having business partners and customers that share the same perspective and idea with you strengthens you along the way even when you are at your lowest. Working for and with the right set of people paves the way for you and the ride as an event planner becomes smooth and less stressful. These few tips below assist you and enlighten you on how to find the right people and customers you will be happy to work for and with, boasting your business as it skyrockets.


#1. Take risk in specialising

Get to know what you are good at doing as an individual and a company. If you have not discovered that yet or still on the journey of truly discovering your potential and skill, work on it and develop it. Be the best in what you do by not only focusing on it wholeheartedly but as well as giving your very best to the people that come to you for your services. There may be many others that are doing the same thing you are, but you can choose to be different in your own way. You will realise that a lot of people will come to you for recommendation because they enjoy working with you. Keep doing what you’re doing, stick to your game plan and strategy and you will attract the right people.

#2. Follow your heart

In order to be successful in what you do, you have to be passionate about it- whether it is about your career or other things in life. Being one hundred percent committed to the things you love doing will enable you to overcome whatever barrier or challenges you are faced with. Following your heart to work with the right people will propel you to be dedicated to your work and giving your best in all that you do. People with negative thoughts and ideas will get you worked up and stressed out. Always go in for what you know is the right thing for you, through doing what you love and are zealous about. You will come across those that will be encouraging and turn out to be the right kind of people you will love working with.

#3. Be observant

People are different; hence, you can’t expect everyone to think the same way or desire the same things. Knowing the differences between what one of your customers wants and what another desires will enlighten you on how well you can work with them. Paying proper attention to the little things will determine how well you can cooperate with a partner and work effectively with them. Working with someone who you don’t get along with will end up in a complete chaos; study any potential client you come across to know if they are the kind of person you will want to work with. Working with the right kind of person will help you get along well in your career successfully.