Meetings can be very boring especially if all you are doing is to sit and listen for hours. On the other hand it can also be interesting if participation is encouraged and discussions are straight forward. If you notice people sleeping during your meetings, here are 5 simple tips you can use to stop them from dozing off.

#1. Set an example

You cannot look all dull and tired and then host a vibrant meeting. If you want the meeting to be full of energy you must set the tone. So enter the meeting venue looking excited and energetic so that even if other attendees exhibit low energy or a bad mood then you will be in a position to change that.

#2. Involve everyone

Nothing is more boring than having to listen to one person speak for a very long time. If all people have to do during a meeting is to sit and listen then their minds will drift away and they will eventually sleep. Try getting everyone to participate one way or the other. For instance if you come up with a new business strategy, ask everyone to give their own ideas about plan. Make it mandatory for everyone to participate. This way everyone will be alert knowing they have to speak up soon.

#3. Add graphics

Having visuals of only PowerPoint slides covered in words will bore your audience. Try using videos or even pictures to illustrate what you are trying to put across and use less words on your slides. Using bright colors such as red and yellow will also add energy to your presentation.

#4. Snacks

It’s normal for snacks to be served during meetings especially long ones. However you don’t want to serve snacks that that will get people very full and sleepy like cheese pie, pizza etc. It is advised to go in for snacks that are sugary like donuts, muffins etc. sugar has been proven to boost energy level up. Also go in for drinks with sugar or caffeine.

#5. Stick to the point

Most meetings tend to last longer than necessary. Keeping people confined in one place for hours will just get is likely to get them restless and/or tired. Try to always keep your meetings as brief as possible and always stick to the most important points. That way even after the meeting people will still remember what was discussed. Try to avoid and ignore side talks as much as possible.

#6. Stand up

This is only appropriate for shorter meetings  lasting 15-20 minutes. Unless someone has a sleeping disorder, no one will sleep. It is harder to fall asleep while standing (apparently, Tibetan monks can do this but I digress!)

Sleeping in inappropriate places can be funny when you are with friends but if you are in an executive meeting or any other very important place then it can be very embarrassing. Most times you can’t blame people for sleeping if meetings are rather dry, so try to keep your meetings as interesting and brief as possible.
Thanks for reading this article we hope it helped.