Becoming an event planner with all the necessary certification is just the start of this long journey you have embarked on. Now that you’re on this train, there is no turning back and you will need to prove to yourself and others that the ride is worth it. Staying ahead of the competition is a tough call, but you can still choose to be distinct and stand out by following these few pieces of advice.

#1.  Practice makes perfect

Nobody is born perfect or came into this world with a vast knowledge of anything. To be perfect or professional at what you do, you need to always practice and be experimental in your field of work. Find a coach or someone who has been in the business longer than you- a mentor is a priceless asset to have, in the world of event planning, experience, is key.

#2.  Continue your learning phase

Self-improvement is a must in this industry, keep learning and becoming better at what you do. Sign up for classes that can help you develop your skills and inform you about the latest thinking and trends in the event management game. Adding to your skill will expose you to other things and prepare you for bigger tasks ahead.

#3. Be open-minded yet diverse

Being good at what you do makes you stand out and different from the others. As an event planner that is well-skilled and good at what he/she does, people will want to come to you for your service and professionalism. Nevertheless, that should not hinder you from trying other things, or offering various services that differs from the area of specialty you indulge in. Being multi-talented will help you to stay focused at what you are doing and also open up your mind to new ideas and event planning tips.

#4. Create a brand image

Working as a mere event planner and not having a brand that sells your company is of no good. Creating a brand is a major benefit to your career. It shows you are a professional in what you do and a principled person. Your brand image will help sell you out there to the people, for them to know what you are all about and your capabilities.

#5. Expand your business network

A happy satisfied customer who is pleased with your work will always recommend you to others for your services. That alone is one way to get more clients. Another way to acquire more clients is by reaching out to huge successful firms and companies who can refer you to their business contacts. Continuous networking will guarantee you more customers; more satisfied customers will get them talking positive about you. Carry around with you your business details that others can use to contact you; don’t try to impose on them to accept your business card. Rather, move on and keep the positive vibe.

#6. Take the initiative chances

‘Heaven helps those who help themselves’. Opportunities will come knocking on your door but be prepared to answer it on time. For those that haven’t been privileged enough to have opportunity grace them, do not settle for discouragement. In order to stay ahead in the game, always create opportunities that can keep you focused and continue to keep you afloat. Use your network to show people what you do and the services you specialise in. The more you reach out to people, the more they will get to know about you and your work.

#7. Be an original thinker

Your clients and customers that you will be working with either have little or no knowledge when it comes to event planning, so their choice of style may need a little nudge from you, the expert! Either way, you can add your little touches here and there to tune it up a bit, something authentic which they haven’t come across yet. They will be satisfied and impressed with your competence and will rather choose your services than another person’s own.

#8. Build up a good name

A good name is worth more than anything else in this world and it is one of the attributes that can keep you on top of this game. Although being professional and well equipped is vital, all of that will go to total waste if your attitude is unapproachable and impolite. However, with a welcoming and approachable behavior, people will love to work with you. Your name will be on the lips of people, in a positive way- more referrals from them to their friends, and more clients for you. A good name is definitely worth it.

Staying ahead of the competition is not only about being better at what you do than other event planners. You should aim to raise the standard bar. Taking the time to develop yourself and enhance your skills should be your core value. As you become a better person at what you do and upgrading to a better version of yourself, clients will see for themselves that you are a capable and prized event planner in your own way.