Planning an event is costly and takes a lot of time and energy. There is nothing more heart breaking than spending all those resources on an event and very few people or no one attends. Strategies must be applied to avoid seeing a whole lot of empty chairs in an empty hall. Below are some strategies you can implement to ensure a great turnout in your event.


#1. Suggestions and Feedback

Before the meeting, ask your prospective attendees what they would want to learn or expect during the event. This will give you an idea of what to do and how to go about your planning. Also after the meeting try and get feedback, attendees could make videos saying what they thought of the event. Be open to honest feedback even if they are negative.

#2. Choose a Suitable Date For Everyone

Consider the time of the year, day of the week and even the time. Weekends are usually the best to time to host most events. For instance if the event is a conference for young people then perhaps saturday morning or noon would be the best time.

#3. Call To Remind

After all the invitations have been sent, say a week before the event call and remind your attendees about the program. People can easily ignore mails but when you call and take the time to talk to them personally then they definitely will not forget. Remember to make a lasting positive impression when you call.

#4. Spread The Word

Ask your attendees to tell their friends, colleagues, family or anyone that they think can come for the event. To make this more effective, give rewards to people who come with other people. In fact the more people you bring the greater the reward. This way, people will take it more seriously.

#5. Invite Famous People

Agreed, not everybody has the clout to invite a world famous rapper or rock star to their event. But in every community there are socialites that seem to make anywhere they go. Invite people who will draw attention to your event even if they would not otherwise be associated with it.

#6. Use Social Media

Let your event be seen everywhere. Publicize it on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. let the whole world know about your event. Update your page as frequently as possible on it like photos of preparation, short behind the scene videos etc. if possible get the famous people you invited to comment on the posts you made.

#7. Easy Registration

If it is an event that requires registration, the registration process should be made simple and straight forward. People get fed up filling complicated forms of multiple pages. You might also want to consider making registration free to encourage a greater outcome.

A scanty event just has a way of making things looks boring. Every organizer will feel like they have wasted their efforts when no one attends their programs.

Thanks for reading this article, we hope it helped.