Time management is an important factor when planning any event. It helps people to prioritize and ensures that all the activities that are highly important occur on time. Practicing the following techniques can help you begin mastering the elusive skill of time management.

#1. One task at a time

Most people think that multitasking is a fast and effective way to get things done but the reality is that it divides your focus and attention and thus makes you slower at achieving your goals. The truth is our minds work faster when we focus our attention to a specific task. Try completing the same types of tasks before moving to the next. As an event planner, you might have a lot of things to do but always take things one at a time.

#2. Set Deadlines

One important factor of setting deadline is that it has to be realistic, there’s only so much you can do in any given period. Even though a deadline has to challenge you, it doesn’t make sense setting one that you know is not achievable. Setting deadlines for tasks is a great way of challenging you to work hard towards meeting up with goals. Setting a reward for yourself can be a great source of motivation.

#3. Prioritize

Prioritizing means doing the most import tasks first not the easiest. Make sure your ‘to do’ list is in order of the most important tasks. If you occupy yourself doing small thing or things that can wait, you might end up feeling less productive at the end of the day. Things that are of less importance can even be delegated.

#3. Get rid of distractions

Make sure you stay away from anything that will distract you from focusing 100% and this includes all social media sites (unless you need them for work). Even if it takes turning off your email notification and instant messaging then go ahead.

#4. Avoid Procrastination

People say procrastination is an enemy of success, which is true at some point. The best time to actually do something is now. The more you procrastinate, the more you miss deadlines. In fact the bad thing about procrastinating is that important tasks can even escape your mind and you might find yourself rushing at the last minute.

#5. Start early

Start your day early to get the best outcome. Many successful people arise before 6:00 A.M, as this gives you enough time to think and plan for the coming day. Taking some time to strategise on how to go about your day can save you some precious time. Besides when your day is planned, you tend to be calmer and focused because everything will be under control

As I said earlier, time management is an important factor in planning an event. Remember to take breaks as too much stress can take toll on your body and affect your productivity. If you think your ‘to do’ list is already overloaded with work, learn to politely refuse to accept additional tasks.